Categories Personal Training

Orange, Honey, Cinnamon, Thyme and Mint Jam

This jam is inspired by citrus season and a need for home made safe products, free from artificial nasties!

I just took about 6 oranges and 2 “lemonades” I think that’s what you call them, someone correct me, they look like a cross between and orange and a lemon to me and have a lemony taste but still sweet like an orange.

I had fresh mint and thyme in my garden so I decided that might be nice, and it worked!


Peel your citrus, remove seeds, etc

add batches into your bullet blender and roughly blend, to your taste

put into a pan of some sort, doesn’t need to have a lid, I used an open pan

Add in 4 tablespoons of honey (I used Darling Bee Products, locally available at Claremont Markets)

Cinnamon – I like lots, but to your own taste

Mint leaves


Boil and simmer until it has a consistency like jam

Leave to cool


You can add this into some natural yoghurt for a bit of natural citrus sweetness, as a condiment to a meal or obviously on your fave seeded toast.

I don’t eat anything from jars or sauces, pre-made generally because I eat free from gluten and chemicals due to migraines and food sensitivities so I like to trial new clean recipes. If one of your migraine triggers are citrus then avoid the citrus and maybe try another safer fruit for you… but avoid anything shop bought if you can, they can have some hidden nasties…

If you’re suffering from food sensitivities and migraines, and would like a nutritional consultation, please feel free to Contact Me.

Categories Exercise tips, Health Tips, Nutrition, Personal Training, Weightloss

CreateU4x4 fitTechnique Program 30 June to 28 July

What’s it all about??!!

This has been designed as a 4 session x 4 week beginners wellbeing program or can be used as a “check-back-in” program for anyone who falls off the healthy wagon.  It has been designed to specifically address 4 key areas:

1. How you are feeling now about your body image, current health, mental wellbeing, fitness level, and how we are going to get you on track.

2. Addressing tricky weight management issues, food preparation techniques and nutritional education.

3. Increasing your strength and changing shape, cardiovascular health and fitness, looking well, feeling strong and good about yourself, gaining confidence along the way.

4. Fitness activities outdoors to increase feelings of mental space as well as being in a very different environment than usual, getting out and doing an activity on location such as hiking that you may not necessarily do and a view you might not necessarily see very often! This gives you a real sense of achievement doing things that are essentially difficult and outside of your comfort zone.  Boosts your happy hormones!

We believe that committing to a program and connecting with the same group of people regularly with a similar focus will give you a sense of belonging and achievement.  We will also be doing weekend outdoor group activities on location somewhere around Perth and based on the groups overall fitness level. Our food preparation classes are fun, hands-on and nutritionally informative, you’ll be provided with a list of ingredients to bring along and we will make our goodies together… then you can take them home.

Its an intensive one this one, and one you need to commit to over 4 weeks, including weekends.  The theory behind this is that you can’t get away with anything, we are always there backing you up!

At the end of the program we will take a break then if you choose to go again, we can pop you back into another program or into one of our regular group training sessions suited to your level of fitness and your favourite times. You can also choose to do some one-one training.

Contact us for further details, to register your interest or to book in. Locations are primarily northern suburbs of Perth. If you are interested and are south of the river, please still contact us to register your interest.

After 12 years working in health and fitness, watching and listening to clients needs and feelings, this program has been designed from experience and with a real focus on gaining better overall health and confidence.

Categories Health Tips

Mental Well-Being

We at Create Health and Fitness believe that key contributors to mental wellbeing are: 

  • Doing something for yourself that you enjoy, outdoors in a non-confrontational, friendly and inspiring environment, regularly, and away from your usual place of comfort 
  • Eating a balanced and nutritious diet, with realistic and manageable meals and snacks 
  • Learning and carrying out stress reducing techniques 
  • Connecting with other people on a frequent basis 
  • Fitness in the outdoors for fresh air and a feeling of space 
  • Committing to your mental wellbeing, no matter how hard it is, achieving a goal no matter how small as long as it’s meaningful to you 

With nearly one in 10 Australian’s currently taking antidepressant or antianxiety medication it just shows how much we need to make changes to help keep this problem at bay.   There are people trying to fight this pain and you may never know they just need someone to reach out and be willing to share their needs.   We want to do anything at all that might help this horrible darkness felt by people suffering in silence or just suffering from any type of mental illness and struggling with treatment.  Not that we claim to be experts but we do believe that we can help in some way by building fun, useful, friendly, committed, educating and inspiring programs and training sessions.  These programs or fitness sessions for an hour every other day, with consistent effort, might just help a little bit more long term to reduce the feelings of despair felt when mental wellbeing is off balance. 

Contact us now for a free consultation or just to talk about what you need from a health and fitness program. 


Categories Nutrition, Weightloss

Baked Lemon Fish Parcels with Rice

Looking for a healthy dinner to have that’s a bit different?! Look no further than Lemon Fish parcels with honey and mustard veggie rice!

I’ve added nuts and seeds to this recipe for a bit of added crunch and healthy fats.  You can also use sultanas or any other dried fruit because you do have the sweetness of honey.


1 x pack of brown rice (sunrice or similar), pre-cooked, 250g.

Mixed veg frozen (a stir fry mix is good)

Hand full or two of chopped almonds and sunflower seeds

Olive oil, 2 teaspoons of seeded mustard, honey if you like it enough to taste, tamari.

2 small sized white fish fillets, snapper or the like.

1 whole fresh lemon, rice bran spread, sprinkle of parmesan cheese.

Fresh basil and chilli.

If you like eggs, for extra protein you can add a pan fried egg.

Baking paper


Clean the fish, put 2 teaspoons of rice bran spread on the top and squeeze all the juice out of your lemon on each piece of fish, sprinkle on some basil and chilli. Put about a teaspoon of cheese on the top. Take the baking paper and wrap up the parcel. Put this into a moderate oven for 25 mins (time may vary). My oven was on at 220. Make sure to put only one piece of fish into each piece of baking paper!

While this is cooking, stirfry your veggies of choice, add in your mustard, honey, tamari and olive oil until almost cooked, add in your rice with a little bit more olive oil.

Then you are done! It’s a simple quick and easy recipe!

Categories Personal Training

Obesity, Fitness and Cancer Links

If there was ever a time to get started on your fitness regime, it’s now. Especially after the news on the weekend WA has the highest obesity rate for our young people of the whole nation? That is a real worry. These are young people under 25.  What’s going to happen to them as they age? It’s not just our youngsters, it’s our middle agers, it’s our oldies. Just a little bit of commitment to exercise everyday can slow this right down.

Here’s an article from our guest writer, Melanie Bowen, whose doing her Masters in Nutrition. The article focuses on fitness as a means of helping the fight against Cancer. Thanks Melanie!

The History of Physical Fitness as a Means of Fighting Cancer

Modern medicine’s ability to fight cancer has improved significantly over the years. Only 15 years ago, doctors would often not tell patients that they were suffering from cancer because there was nothing that could be done. Today, almost all cases of cancer are fought vigorously, and the outcomes of treatments have improved dramatically. Furthermore, the way cancer treatments are supplemented with lifestyle changes, such as exercise, has changed as well. Here some of the ways that the relationship between physical fitness and cancer has changed through the years.

The old view

As late as the 1950s, doctors would often express the opinion that there was nothing that could prevent cancer from developing. As a result, many doctors themselves smoked, and health was not viewed as an important factor in the development of cancer. However, some doctors began suggesting a link between overall health and cancer, and researchers began investigating whether diet and exercise could affect the development of cancer. While the theory that poor physical fitness could cause cancer was initially controversial, it is now widely accepted.

The intermediate view

Even though doctors accepted that physical fitness could have an effect on cancer, many were reluctant to believe that the link went any further than obesity. While many doctors are willing to accept that obesity could encourage the development of cancer, many did not think that physical fitness in general had much of an effect. However, a series of studies conducted in the late 1970s and 1980s showed that the preventative effect of physical fitness remained even if obesity was controlled for. As a result, doctors and experts began to adjust their opinion accordingly.

The modern view

Today, researchers are constantly finding new ways in which cancer and physical fitness interact. While some cancers, such as mesothelioma, have no known link to physical fitness, others, such as breast cancer, are widely accepted to be influenced by physical fitness levels. As research continues, experts will hopefully be able to use this information to find more about how cancer develops and ways of preventing it from occurring. However, people today do not have to wait for the results of these tests; the evidence that cancer and fitness are linked is clear, and those who begin exercising can reduce their odds of developing cancer in the future.

Categories Diet, Exercise tips

Some Quick Fatloss Tips!

10 Quick Tips!

1. Don’t let yourself get hungry, mostly we starve ourselves of foods but this just engages the fasting mechanism. Fix it – eat, but nutritious, low GI foods, grainy breads, fruits, veggies, yoghurt and nuts, seed mix etc. Don’t deprive yourself of food, just stay away from the bad stuff. Sugar is the enemy, white carbs, crisps, rice cakes and the like. Eat low GI foods to ensure a slow release of insulin to control your blood sugar levels. Useful information can be found here;

2. Remember to eat breakfast. Be careful of commercial breakfast cereals as they can be very high in sugar (high is +15g per 100g). Opt for a grainy bread, eggs and spinach, Toast and peanut butter, oats, etc. If you can’t eat straight away, try to leave some low GI bread at the office and have your brekkie there (of course, be early to work!);

3. Make it a mindset and a planned effort to lose 10% of your body weight, this will give you substantial cardiovascular health benefits. A well planned diet and exercise program works wonders but you need to make an effort to do it, the more you plan your meals, the better your health and body weight will be.

4. Eat a diet low in saturated and transfats – your body does not require saturated or transfat to function. Leave it behind.

5. Make sure you exercise everyday and include substantial weight bearing exercise. Take a local class, commit to some personal training sessions or buy some DVDs and weights. Exercise should be built into your life every-day, as a routine task.

6. Eat protein with every meal, but keep it to a small portion, you only require 1g/1kg of protein (if you are 65kg then you require only 65g of protein per day), doesn’t sound much does it? Remember that any nutrient you consume in excess gets stored as fat, this includes protein. So unless you are body building or an athlete, try to stay close to that amount of protein per day.

7. Base your meals around small amounts of protein, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

8. Avoid anything with an artificial sweetener in it, it is known to change your appetite, give you false hunger.

9. Your diet should contain, 20-25% good fats, 20-30% protein, 50-60% carbs. (non-white carbs)

10. Be active everyday, think about food as fuel, consider a long term commitment to your health and weight plan.

Things to remember:

At least 50% of the Australian population are overweight or obese.

23% of Australian children are overweight or obese

$1.2 Billion Dollars are spent each year in the Australian Medical System due to weight related conditions.

For more information or a personalised meal plan and training program, please contact us.

Angie Hazell is a Certified Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer. Angie and her team provide services in the areas in and around Subiaco, Wembley, Mt Hawthorn, Mt Lawley, Joondanna and Balcatta.

Categories Weightloss

Fully-Fit Weightloss Workshops!

Are you fed up with dieting, wearing clothes that really don’t fit and feeling self-conscious about your weight? If you are finding it hard to stick to any weight loss programme yourself without help and are getting disheartened then this could be your answer.

Our 12-week “Fully-Fit” monitoring and educational workshop with 12 free group personal training sessions!!!

What does the 12-week workshop consist of?

Weekly group meetings for 45-60 minutes. Group meetings can help you to feel more accountable and push you to achieve your goal. We present and discuss different topics each week.

• Dealing with triggers
• Dealing with a weight loss plateau
• Self esteem and self confidence
• Creating a positive mindset
• Planning and preparation
• Use your focus for weight loss success
• Oh no… I slipped up!
• Finding your internal motivation
• Surviving the supermarket shelves
• The benefits of exercise and weight loss
• Eating out, your survival guide
• Keeping your success on track
• Weekly weigh-in, body composition and measurement tracker
• Weekly small group training sessions 45mins (see timetables for locations)
• Weekly personal training programme (self-taught)

What are the benefits to you?

  • Having access to a weight loss specialist each week helps to keep you on track, you are not alone!
  • It is a relatively low-cost and low-time commitment programme.
  • Joining a group of supportive people who are all trying to achieve the same goals can help to motivate you.
  • Being in a non-intimidating environment, feeling supported and knowing you can discuss any issues week to week that may come up, everyone else are likely having the same difficulties.
  • Having access to your own private online calorie controlled meal planner, reporting software and weight loss tools means you can check on your own progress whenever you like whilst planning out your meals, printing off menus and producing shopping lists. We will upload your results each week.
  • Having to commit to a programme, being weighed and measured each week and having your diary checked is good motivation to keep going, not being left to your own devices!

It’s only $70 per week to join for 12 weeks ($840) or if you pay upfront receive a discount of $40. So book in now and lets all get Fully-Fit!!!!

To book, please send us the booking form. Enrollments for our next workshop close on Monday, 7 February for a Tuesday 8 February start. Location Perth city. Group training at a location of your choice, group workshop each Tuesday at 6.30pm.

Categories Fitness, Timetables

Circuit Training Timetable




Bookings are required for first time attendance.*

Come along anytime between 4:30pm and 6:00pm, collect a timer, set it for 30 or 45 minutes and join in the circuit exercises. You can train at your convenience for the time you want and be directed by a Personal Trainer. Depending on your fitness level, each exercise should last between 30 seconds to 2 minutes, then move on. When your timer reaches your chosen end time, that’s it done.

Bring along a water bottle and towel.

Cost effective and time efficient exercise.

30 mins = $10

45 mins = $15

If you are interested in this type of flexible outdoor fitness training but Subiaco isn’t the right location for you, send me an e-mail with your preferred day, time and location.

*Contact me for further details and to book in for a health screening. I need to discuss your fitness level prior to commencing with a circuit training programme, only once, then you can just let me know on the day if you are attending via text message. No cancellation fees, no time constraints, just fun, fast, fitness.

More locations coming soon……

Categories Diabetes, Nutrition, Weightloss

Comparing your peanuts to your pecans!

When comparing what type of nuts you might want to snack on, take a look at this chart.

The Green is Monounsaturated Fat

The Red is Polyunsaturated Fat

The Blue is Saturated Fat

Well I think we all know that avoiding as much saturated fat as we can is a good thing as it is found to raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Try to avoid these and have only moderation.

What you want most of are the Red and Green fats:

  • Monounsaturated fats are particularly helpful in lower LDL cholesterol and helping to prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • Polyunsaturated fats are needed for growth, cell structure and for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Almonds are not only low in saturated fat but have a higher protein content so add about 10 almonds into your mid morning or afternoon snack to stave off the hunger demons.

Sunflower seeds are another great nutritional snack, very low in saturated fats.

For a good mid-morning snack, put 1/2 cup of some WA made yoghurt (only WA made please!) and mix in 1/2 a chopped apple, about 5-10 almonds, some walnuts or pecans and as many sunflower seeds as you like to make a crunchy, hunger busting snack!


p.s. look out for our new year 12-week FIT YOU educational programs starting in January 2014 …

Categories Exercise tips, Health Tips, Personal Training

Gym Workout

If you can only see your personal trainer once or twice per week, why not supplement your personal training workouts at one of the 24 hour gyms Jetts Fitness or the like. More and more people are working till late and can’t fit in their usual fitness in during usual gym hours. Of course I would alway recommend having a personal trainer as well just to keep you on track and build on your specific goals. Personal trainers also keep you motivated and compliant with your gym routine.

If you are thinking of joining a gym outside of usual hours then you might not have a personal trainer available at your 24 hour gym, so here’s a basic programme to get you on your way if you don’t have one.

Start off with:

1. 10 minute workout on a cross trainer, treadmill or bike with little resistance;

2. Break up your cardio with strength training using the free weight or machines, for bicep curls, tricep extensions, flies.  Try to keep your reps low initially to 5-10 but the weight you are using should be very hard at rep 10. Heavier for bicep curls, bit lower for tricep extensions and flies so you might want to start off at 2-3kgs or lower. Stick to 2 sets of each and alternate between the three.

3. Cardio between your strength sets, get back on your cross trainer and pick up the pace, go on for 15-20 mins and use one of the programmes, set it for 15-20 mins, rolling hills, intervals or the like.  You can do this on the bike, treadmill or x-trainer.

4. Legs and Bums – leg press, smiths machine for weighted squats, or fitball squats with some 3kg weights are always good as well as lunges.  Keep your reps to 10-12 initially, but try to get to 3 sets.

5. Warm down with another cardio machine at a lower resistance for 5-8 mins.

6. Work on your abdominals, use a fitball for usual crunches, oblique crunches, etc, there are lots of abdominal exercises you can do not laying on your back but you’ll need to ask one of the personal trainers at the gym or contact me for more information on that!

7. Stretching programme is a must, basic stretches include, hamstring stretch, quad stretch, glute stretch, hip flexor stretch, lower back stretches, upper body stretches and neck stretches.  See my earlier posts for a stretching programme or contact me for more information on this.

Remember that all exercises are not for everyone and you may have specific strengths and weaknesses so take care when doing all exercise to get your technique right.

Gym’s usually do provide an assessment but the 24 hour gyms may not always have a personal trainer on hand. It is worth consulting with a personal trainer to get a programme that’s right for you.

Angie Hazell is an experienced personal trainer specialising in women’s fitness and family fitness, please contact for more information on specific exercises or look through the blogs for more exercise posts.  Create Health & Fitness personal trainers perth services the Perth metro area and surrounding suburbs including, Mt Lawley, Mt Hawthorn, North Perth, Subiaco, North Beach, City Beach, Floreat.