Categories Personal Training

Divorce the Conventional Gym and Say ‘I Do’ to Outdoor Personal Training

Do you like the thought of exercising outdoors? Yet, does jogging alone, carry little appeal to you? Well, by engaging in outdoor personal training, you can exercise outdoors, under the guidance of a personal trainer who will have your best interests at heart.

The concept of outdoor personal training, certainly, seems to be catching on, fast. Small wonder, considering the innumerable benefits, such programs have on offer. For instance, exercising outdoors helps the body to boost its natural immune system. Another benefit of exercising outdoors is that it helps people steer away from indoor pollutants, by providing them with easy access to crisp, clean air. Also, exposure to sunlight provides absorption of vitamin D; whilst mental stimulation, too, can be sought, when exercising outdoors.

The benefits of personal training too, are many. Firstly, it is a fitness regime that incorporates your personal needs and goals. The next step would be the achievement of these goals. Here, too, a personal trainer will be invaluable; as he/she will help you optimize each work out, by ensuring that the fitness targets set out at the beginning are met, within a stipulated time frame. A personal trainer will also, provide encouragement when necessary (especially when you are hankering for morale boost) and be a driving force in your pursuit of fitness.

Combine the benefits of personal training with the advantages of exercising outdoors, and voila! You have a winner! After experiencing the benefits outdoor personal training; in all probability, you will never renew your gym membership again!

Categories Personal Training

Five Reasons Why Fitness isn’t the Only Objective of Group Exercise

Admittedly, exercising alone, can be boring. So, the obvious answer seems to be, (no, not the avoidance of exercise!) enrolment in a group exercise program. Whether the group exercise program is formulated to incorporate exercising with your partner, a group of friends or your family; the benefits derived from it, can be numerous. Five such benefits are listed below, for easy reference.

1) Group exercise is a structured activity. This helps people work to a plan and master certain techniques, which in turn, will help them maximize results and give their confidence a much needed boost.

2) A group exercise program creates a sense of accountability, in its participants. To elaborate further, this means that should a person feel like backing off or calling it quits, he/she needs to consider not just the personal implications of such a decision, but its impact on the group as a whole, too.

3) In any activity, we need motivation, to keep going forward. Exercise is no different, and group exercise provides that motivation; as it has, at its very core, like-minded people all pursuing a single goal.

4) Group exercise programs also help people improve their relationships with each other. Bonding over a common interest, has proven to be an effective tool in relationship building; and what better way to do this, than over exercise?

5) Most importantly, perhaps, group exercise can be fun. A few goof ups, a few laughs and a few shared jokes, will make this an activity that everyone is bound to enjoy.

Therefore, as can be clearly seen, the benefits of group exercise, is not confined to physical fitness, alone. It has social and emotional advantages too, which many indeed, find hard to resist.

Categories Personal Training

Forget the Machines and Say Hi! to Outdoor Fitness

Spending hour after hour on a machine in a gym or at home is what puts most people off exercises for good. At present, most people are under the impression, that in order to get a good workout, it is essential to do exercise on some sort of a machine. People tend to go for expensive machines and equipment, in order to achieve fitness when what they need is right under their noses. The outdoors is one of the best places to get exercise and enjoy it too.

Walking or jogging can be considered as the most basic and simple form of exercise. Jogging or walking can be done either on a treadmill at home, at the gym, or it can be done outdoors. If you take a vote, may people would prefer to walk or jog outdoors but are reluctant to do so because they are under the misconception that machines somehow will give them a better workout.

There are many advantages of outdoor fitness as compared to machines. When working out at a gym, you will be doing your routines with a lot of other people. A feeling of crowdedness can result from this. Outdoor fitness on the other hand gives you plenty of fresh air and peace of mind, which are important when it comes to mind-body balance.

Outdoor fitness programs are getting popular in almost all the areas of fitness exercises. Opting for working out outdoors means that you also have to have proper sports clothing. Make sure that you grab suitable clothing before you begin your outdoor fitness program.

Categories Personal Training

Giving Entertainment a New Dimension with Fitness Programs

The entertainment industry has taken a lot of our time and partly because of it, people are becoming increasingly unhealthy. It is wise to question what exactly we are getting, other than obesity and lethargy, from TV shows, video games, and other usual forms of entertainment. Many people are addicted to soap operas, realty TV shows, and video games, which do not give them anything productive in return. Incorporating fitness programs into the entertainment can make a world of difference in the lives of the general public.

The revolution of combining entertainment and fitness has already begun in the form of interactive fitness technology. Instead of sitting slack-jawed in front of the television or watching some person in a realty show rock climbing, you too can get a similar experience thanks to modern technology. There are gyms at present where you can get visual stimulation while working out on machines so that your fitness program seems more fun and entertaining. Rather than your child playing video games all day, you can give him a 3D fitness experience at a gym where there are 3D visuals running along with exercising machines.

If you cannot afford a gym with 3D visual stimulation, there are other forms of entertainment which can be incorporated into your fitness program. Instead of simply running on a treadmill, you can have a visually motivating video in front of you. Instead of simply watching your everyday TV shows, you can tune onto a fitness channel and actually follow the fitness programs on it. Investing in an iPod or a portable CD player will also increase your fun while working out.

Categories Personal Training

Group Fitness Programs for Better Results

Though many people think that self training is the best way to achieve a higher level of fitness, this is not always true. It is tested and proven that group fitness programs can be more effective when it comes to losing or gaining weight as compared to self training.

The first plus point is the social interaction when it comes to group fitness programs. You are exercising with a group of people who wish to achieve pretty much the same goal as you are. In self training exercise programs, you are practically on your own and do not have anyone to compare your progress with. When exercising with a group of people, you have a whole group of people to encourage you and there is also the added perk of meeting new people.

Another advantage of going for group fitness programs is the cost effectiveness. If you are self training, you will have to buy the necessary equipment in order to get good results. More often than not, buying expensive exercising equipment does not happen and therefore the effectiveness of the workout is relatively less. When you join a group fitness program, you will have the privilege of using all the modern exercising equipment, at a much reduced cost.

Unlike when doing self training and exercises, in most group fitness programs there will be a personal trainer in charge. He will give individual attention to each member of the group and will make sure that all the people in his group are making progress towards their goals.

Categories Personal Training

Group Fitness Training a Day, Keeps the Doctor Away

The old adage states that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But with all the inorganic fertilizer and pesticides that are frequently used in fruit cultivation now, this may not ring wholly true, anymore. Therefore with the changing times, I feel, the equivalent new adage should be, “group fitness training a day keeps the doctor away”.

Amusing as that statement may seem, on the surface; it is founded on reality. This is because exercise acts as a deterrent against numerous illnesses ranging from heart disease to blood pressure to diabetes. Morbid obesity or even being a mere few pounds overweight, is thought to increase the chances of an individual contracting cancer; and here too, exercise plays a pivotal role in reducing those extra kilos and thereby reducing the chance of individuals contracting obesity-related diseases.

Group fitness training is also good for recuperation. This is because moderate exercise helps boost the body’s immune system. Therefore sufferers of serious diseases are frequently advised to engage in a regular fitness regimen to boost their chances of survival.

Exercise is not only beneficial to physical health, but it has been found to have a positive impact on mental health, too. This is because exercise is known to relieve stress; and it also helps release chemicals such as Serotonin and Dopamine which are thought to help in the fight against depression and certain other mental health problems.

So, the fact that group fitness helps reduce illness, is indeed, not too far from the truth.  After all, with regular exercise, visits to the doctor can be kept to a minimum, other factors being equal, of course.

Categories Personal Training

Group Fitness Training and its Three Magical Consequences

It is tested and proven that group fitness training gives magical results in quite a short time. It is time to explore what exactly these consequences are. When talking about the consequences of group fitness training, they can be categorized under three main categories.

The first of the three magical consequences of group training is physical fitness. Just like with all other forms of exercises, you can achieve physical fitness in group training too. Even though the possibility of achieving fitness is associated with individual training, many people do not attain their requirements because of the boredom factor associated with exercising alone. When exercising with a group of people, it motivates you to keep up with your fitness program. Group fitness not only allows you to definitely attain a higher level of fitness, but also allows you to do it with low cost.

The second magical consequence when it comes to group fitness training is the mental wellbeing that a person gets. As opposed to exercising alone, you are constantly with a group of people while exercising. Social interaction with people brings about good mental health and will, in the long run, have a positive effect on your lifestyle.

Getting to spend quality time with your family or loved ones is the third magical consequence of group fitness training. There are many group fitness programs in which the whole family can take part. If you are a busy person, group fitness can be a good opportunity to make the much needed family time. As opposed to choosing kids’ fitness programs or adult group fitness programs, try and go for family group fitness programs in order to make your fitness program more fun.

Categories Personal Training

Group Training: An Indisputable Must for a Compromised Health

Unfortunately, most of the food we eat, today, is either laden with saturated fat and carries a high content of refined sugar, or it contains artificial flavours, colours, additives and preservatives. Even the “healthy” vegetables we eat, are most often, sprayed with harmful pesticides. Our exercise is most often limited to stretching on the couch! Small wonder, then, that our health is compromised.

However, as the age old adage states, “it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness”. So, if you are worried about the adverse effects, unhealthy lifestyle choices bring about; then, the time is indeed, ripe for change. For instance, whenever possible, consume natural foods and purchase organic goods. Do your bit for the environment. Engage in a steady exercise regimen. Such changes might seem miniscule but its impact can be far-reaching.

Yet, we all know that the enthusiasm, with which we begin our fitness regimen, is hard to maintain. This is possibly because, man being the social animal he is, needs company; and exercising alone, can indeed, be a boring affair. But going to the gym, amidst a bunch unknown strangers, will, in all probability, be no better, either. That is where the importance of group training comes to play.

Group training can be done with your partner, with a small group of friends, a few like-minded colleagues from work, or even with your entire family. This will give you (and them) the necessary motivation to exercise regularly, and it will provide an ample opportunity to bond with each other, further.

Despite the world we live in, being what it is; there is no excuse for compromised health. Group training is one important tool that the health conscious have in hand, to make healthy living a viable alternative.

Categories Personal Training

Here is the Best Group Training You Will Ever Get

If you have decided to take a step towards making your life healthier by joining a fitness training group, here are a few things that you should consider when joining a group training program. The first thing that you should consider when going for group training is whether there is adequate supervision. At present, most of the fitness groups are supervised by a personal trainer. Make sure that the group you intend to join is headed by a qualified personal trainer. Boot camps are a popular form of group training that gives positive results in a short period of time. Same as in other forms of group training, you will have to check the credentials of the trainer in boot camps as well.

The next advantage of joining group training is the reduced cost. A personal trainer is likely to charge you more if you go for one on one sessions. When in a group, you will get the same services and attention from the personal trainer at a much reduced cost.

One of the many aspects of group training that draws people to it is the social interaction that you get out of it. You will meet a number of new people and make a lot of friends through your fitness group. Secondly, there will be a lot of people for you to compare your progress with. For example, if you have reached a certain fitness goal and your neighbour has achieved even a higher one, you will be motivated automatically to work harder.

Categories Personal Training

How to Get the Best Personal Trainer to Land at Your Doorstep?

Getting the right personal trainer is the first step to success and confidence building. There are various online personal trainers available, but not all of them guarantee success. Hiring a personal trainer requires an investment as well as commitment to be able to stick to the given schedules. Since the demand for personal trainers have increased, hiring a personal trainer could be little expensive compared to the old days.

Unlike those days where personal trainers are only for the wealthy few, now everyone can afford a personal trainer. Before you recruit a personal trainer, make sure that the person is a member of a registering body such as Fitness Australia. This means that the trainers are qualified and guaranteed to bring in success. Check to see if the personal trainer has additional qualifications in areas such as weight loss, strength training, kids fitness, and nutrition.

Since the personal training segment is vast, there can be unqualified personal trainers conducting workout classes and sessions. Check for the credit worthiness of these personal trainers as this will give you some idea.

A personal trainer also needs to have a certificate in CPR or first aid. This will help in the event of an accident or a health problem. The personal trainer also needs to be good listener so that he/she can find the best fitness plan for you. A personal trainer needs to have a proven track record of success in order to deliver good results for you.  Furthermore the personal trainer also needs to track your progress against the objectives set.